
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Book Review of "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

The give, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, is interesting, very well written, and has underlying meanings which anyone could spot and others that be more difficult to find. Many of the underlying meanings atomic sum 18 conventional proverbs or cliché saying that we indoctrinate our children and be echoed through break through hundreds of phonograph recordings. The protagonist, Santiago, is impart through his go by some(prenominal) teachers (including state, animals, the caravan, and the wind, sun, desert, etc.). These are the voices which teach things like, Never give up on your dreams, Listen to your heart., and When you sine qua non something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. By the end of the book, a important lesson has been set forth, the point of a quest is not the object but the quest itself. still there are many smaller messages or happenings that are not congruent with this principal(prenominal) one.         All t he meanings thrown out along the story do not lead up to the end; the ending is a flip of what we learned along the way. The son has an epic journey along which he finds his soul mate, learns to transform omens and in a reek predict the future, and finds self-fulfillment and inner-peace with the world. And subsequently all this, his treasure is a titty of golds and gems? The boy learns so many great things and then the book ends on a mercantile victory. The people who encouraged him throughout the book, verbalise things equivalent to Go take off your treasure. instead of confront your journey. All along the way he wished to stop his hunting and live a content lifetime but people kept pushing him forward. From this, the message of the book seems to be, Never be content with what you have, you can always create more... If you want to urinate a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.n et

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