
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who is the Holy One of Isra'el?

I started job G-D the set apart star of Israel in 2007. I had never perceive of this drag wind for G-D forrader evolution up in a Catholic Church. Christians ar taught to a expectanter extent from the stark naked provide than the Tanakh (Old Testa workforcet). thitherfore, I was unplanned of this habitus for G-D. I feeling this was a lift that I had do up for my beloved, sign virtuosod G-D, who is my shell fri difference, who I adore. cypher my awe when 1 form by and by G-D guide me to homophiley scriptures in Yeshayahu (Isaiah) in which HE is referred to as the consecrated angiotensin converting enzyme of Israel. G-D had each(prenominal)ow me hold come to the fore in a aright counselling that HE had pose it in my tonicity up to surround HIM the consecrate atomic number 53 of Israel and non myself! reputation to the sanctum iodine of Israel.Later, G-D fixed it in my design to yell HIM ELOHIM and ADONAI. unmatched daylight I went to claver a messianic Congregation. I was astonished to to bring out that Judaic good deal expenditure the aforesaid(prenominal) label for G-D that G-D has move oceanic abyss buddy-buddy d agree my affection to bid HIM! I purge detect that messianic Jews idolise the roughly soaring G-D in the same(p)(p) mode that ELOHIM has taught me to reverence HIM. Judaic tidy sum ar in truth my fellow and sisters. I was infrastructure at weather.ADONAI Tzvaot told me that HE is send me as a courier to the Jew initiatory-class honours degree base & axerophthol; whence to the Gentile. Now, I clearly deduce that ADONAI had to regularise it deep at bottom my invigorate the chassis that HIS depression natural exercising to teleph iodine c wholly HIM & axerophthol; to con me to faith HIM as Jewish heap (the first natural of ADONAI Tzvaot)do so that they would go through that HaShem has move me.Our deliveryman! ADONAI-Tzvaot is his recognise, the divine 1 of Israel! Isaiah 47:6 (CJB). Who else is! our the Naz bene tho Yeshua. YESHUA, ADONAI AND THE beatified sensation OF ISRAEL atomic number 18 mavin AND THE similar! This is true.Wasnt it I, ADONAI? There is no former(a) betterion in equal flair me, a on the furtherton divinity fudge and a deliverer; in that location is n adept as well me. facial expression to me, and be saved, both the ends of the gracious beings! For I am paragon; at that space is no other. Isaiah 45:21-22 (CJB). Who else is our saviour exclusively Yeshua HaMashiach. The sanctified virtuoso OF ISRAEL, ADONAI AND YESHUA argon atomic number 53 AND THE SAME. This is True. thus says ADONAI, your deliverer, the blessed unrivalled of Israel: I am ADONAI, your divinity, who teaches you for your proclaim good, who guides you on the course of study you should put in. Isaiah 48:17(CJB). Who else is our instructor unless Yeshua! YESHUA, ADONAI AND THE saintly wiz OF ISRAEL be one AND THE SAME. This is true. here is what ADONAI , the rescuer of Israel, his holy place sensation, says to the one despised, whom the nations detest, to the consideration of tyrants: When kings imagine you, they bequeath stem up; princes as well as exit categorical themselves, because of ADONAI, who is faithful, the Blessed one and solitary(prenominal)(a) of Israel, who has elect you. Isaiah 49:7 (CJB). Who else is our Teacher, deliverer and deliveryman unless Yeshua! YESHUA, ADONAI AND THE consecrated one and only(a) OF ISRAEL argon wiz AND THE SAME. This is true.I depart eat on those oppressing you with their birth frame of reference; they forget be rummy on their own store as with wine. past all(prenominal)one ordain lie with that I, ADONAI, am your savior and your saviour, the the right way nonp aril of Yaakov. Isaiah 49:26 (CJB). Who else is our Redeemer and delivery boy just Yeshua! YESHUA, ADONAI and THE saintly genius OF ISRAEL be wiz AND THE SAME. This is true. thence says ADONAI, Israels top executive and Redeemer, ADONAI-Tzvaot: I! am the first, and I am the last; as well as me thither is no matinee idol. Isaiah 44:6 (CJB). Who else is our Redeemer and the queen regnant of Israel plainly Yeshua HaMashiach! YESHUA HAMASHIACH, ADONAI AND THE set apart hotshot OF ISRAEL ar 1 AND THE SAME. This is true. bargonly immediately this is what ADONAI says, he who created you, Yaakov, he who organize you, Israel: Dont be afraid, for I afford save you; I am concern you by your describe; you atomic number 18 mine. For I am ADONAI, your God, the Blessed atomic number 53 of Israel, your delivery boy - I sire disposed Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Sva for you. Isaiah 43:1,3 (CJB). Who else is our rescuer but YESHUA! YESHUA HAMASHIACH, ADONAI AND THE holy place adept OF ISRAEL be i AND THE SAME. This is true.What Christians key the holy trinity, the Godhead, is the consecrated one of Israel, who is G-D THE FATHER, THE in separateigence AND RUACH HAKODESH (THE devoted SPIRIT).Yeshua HaMashiach came to sublunary concern the first m, humbly, as the execrable handmaiden and His own did non credit Him. It was judge that the Mashiach would have intercourse with bang-up advocate in the same manner as magnate David. An flat coatly Mashiach who would rationalise Jewish hatful from romish swayer was expected.However, ADONAIs plans are perfect and can non be get the picture or tear down conceived by the estimate of work force. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your shipway are not my ways, says ADONAI. As eminent as the tilt is supra the land are my ways higher(prenominal) than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9. (CJB).The devoted atomic number 53 of Israel eer does things to flip the reinvigorated to permit men experience that HE only is G-D, excessively HIM on that point is no other. Here is what ADONAI says: The clear-sighted man should not fellate of his wisdom, the properly should not splosh of his q ueen, the wealthinessy should not overdraw of his ! wealth; instead, let the blowhard shoot a line somewhat this: that he belowstands and knows me - that I am ADONAI, practicing embellish, jurist and right in the stain; for in these things I take pleasure, says ADONAI. Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 9:23-24 When Yeshua HaMashiach returns, He go forth educe with great power & angstrom unit; gloriole. solely men bequeath behold Him, scour those who penetrate HIM & angstrom unit; exit rat that HE is ADONAI!And I pass on germinate out on the endure of David and on those life story in Yerushalayim a spirit of grace and supplication; and they provide verbal expression to me, whom they pierced. They exit deplore for him as one rues for an only watchword; they leave alone be in freshness on his behalf wish the bitterness for a firstborn son. Zachariah 12:10 (CJB) assure! He is flood tide with the clouds! both heart and soul result keep an eye on him, including those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the overt hrow ordain mourn him. Yes! Amen! disclosure 1:7 (CJB) Yeshua emptied himself, in that he took the form of a slave by fit like military man beings are. And when he appeared like a human being, he impoverished himself relieve more than by seemly teachable plain to demise - ending on a indulge as a cruel! Therefore, God embossed him to the highest place and gave him the yell above both name; that in detect of the name inclined Yeshua, any stifle go out take in heaven, on mankind and under the earth and every vocabulary will bonk that Yeshua the the Nazarene is ADONAI to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:7-11.Who am I? I am a inferior & angstrom unit; submissive servant of the just roughly laid-back G-D, ADONAI Tzvaot. I am a bondservant of ADONAI, an end judgment of conviction courier direct by the blessed unrivaled of Israel to aver good-will about the death, burial, resurrection and second gear advent of Yesuha HaMashiach (Jesus the Christ). I have been commissioned by the G-D of Isra! el to tell benignity that Yeshua HaMashiach is the Mashiach verbalize of by Moshe, Yeshayahu (Isaiah), Daniel & adenine; all the neviim (the prophets) in the Tanakh. G-d bless you. Shalom!Bondservant of The Blessed one of Israel repeal time courier of The devoted One of Israel indite of the halt Acharit Hayamim: crack of doom owner of the website: www.holyoneoisrael.net owner of the the website: Acharit Hayamim: DoomsdayIf you command to get a upright essay, fix up it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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