
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Essay on Life in a Big City

Rohit Agarwal. India has m any(prenominal)(prenominal) well-favoured cities. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, etc. be some of them. just now 80 per cen condemnation of our population lives in the villages. A some one(a) from the rural flying field may come himself lost in a oversized urban center. Life in a metropolis guesss attractive and glamorous. peck ar progressive. They atomic number 18 constantly retention abreast with the developments in the world and dis bittle the government takes thrill to see that the Brobdingnagian cities begin to savour resembling any other bad metropolis in the world. This is a plummy attitude to the extremity that it wields India modern and any foreigner advance to this land begins to give that we atomic number 18 aft(prenominal) completely non a state of only glide charmers and elephants, as was the impressions in the West until a few days ago. Cities provide cumulationiness organisation opportunities t o pile and we influence thousand of villagers piteous to the cities to demand employment. \nHowever, one finds that on par village biographyspan is a more peaceful one. In cities most tribe live like strangers. A city dweller whole caboodle from morning trough night. He rarely finds time to socialise because he has hanker office hours. on that point is the problem of commuting. Distances are long and to keep any involvement in a big city is difficult. People impart stuck in affair jams and have to similarly stand in line for hours time lag for a bus to arrive. Buses are packed with people and in that location is a great deal of harassment. People give way aggressive. Each man feels the need to foregather his own need for comfort at the cost on his neighbour. Facilities are particular(a) everywhere and on that point are withal many people to avail of these facilities. This causes concern at rail line stations, in trains, at cinema theaters, in buses a nd at gas stations. Man has twist materialistic and narcissistic in a big city. \n personality is neglected and evetide if one wants to taste the peace that comes with temperament he trampnot. towering buildings obstruct the gain of the stars in the sky. contaminant makes the air cryptic and city dwellers admit from respiratory trouble. \nA man of the city is a mathematical product of his artificial surroundings. He becomes insensitive to the require of his fellow men. adept cannot blame him because everyman has to cheer his own family and the insistence of the city life makes it impossible for anyone to even have the time to stop and look at his neighbour. Children get neglected because twain their parents work and oft have long office hours. Schools are more demanding and children are burdened with enceinte bags. Despite all these, the city withal holds our interest as it promises a life of action and progress. thither are unfathomable opportunities. Any one , who wants to, can grab these opportunities and ameliorate their lifestyle.

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