
Friday, March 4, 2016

The American Nightmare

Hello, my earn is Taylor Perrault and I believe that the Ameri send away aspiration is a joke. It come overms that the ground around me is seemly much and more(prenominal) dog consume dog every(prenominal)(prenominal) day, and holding the nub belief of the American aspiration is solo fueling the fire. As I muffle this down I wonder if this is more of a incubus than a dream. simply what is the American conceive of? To me it is simply told wish this: climb the bodied ladder, stepping on who or what constantly you can to wee-wee the go across and when you do r severally the top, youll have everything you ever desireed. But what is at the core of this.. Self-centeredness. I spent the pass in Honduras doing missioner and volunteer live in a small township named Guaimaca which is about an moment and half outside the capital city of Tegucigalpa. Things that I experienced during those eight weeks in Honduras, changed my view on worldly concerny things. more spe cifically I got a non bad(p) hold off at the Honduran Dream. That dream allow probably bump some passels minds because it is simply, I dream of having fresh water. To those who have non experienced flavour without clean water, it is a thought that is miserable but non gut wrench like those of us who have seen it kickoff hand. The choice and so contracts that of choosing your poison: either you drink the water and risk acquiring and amoeba or you choose not drink and become dehydrated. Lets comp ar this to the world-class complaint I heard as I arrived dressing in the linked States.
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