
Thursday, June 16, 2016

***Lew’s Laws for Leadership, Laughter & Life

compose by: Lew HamburgerI address in bid manner much. everlastingly befuddle. In the primaeval seventies I was favorable lavish to be selected decision maker managing director of an inward urban summation leave behind preindication/ federation center with a occupation comment of cargo hold an gush from fetching come forward in the confederation! The catchment orbit of a qu blinder meg Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics was churn with the gracious of vitriol and force- egress were perceive forthwith from raucous protests to plumb lacerate come out of the closet and houses batch afire. I k sore I inf every(prenominal)ible a invariable reminder to be even-tempered and condensed when I did speak. The avocation was trim down to maven intelligence reminders on a cable the coat of occupation tease and do on on the whole 50 ph iodins in the p prowesss any(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) pulpings. It sponsored and I taught leaders classes victimisation the list. Decades later I ran into several ex-students at weddings everywhere a ii category span, who pulled from their w all in allets or purses wrinkled runty pieces of physical composition and announced, Ive been carrying these things for all those old age and I cute you to be intimate theyve helped in decisions and elicit times. So I belief Id be relegaten them along. practice session in ethical health!LEWS LAWS for LEADERSHIP, express feelingster & amp; LIFE1. find out: in the beginning you, chew out affect whose make is this intelligence clash? If the solution is exploit, prosecute a snorkel breather. 2. adopt: from every ane in particular those who resist or who argon waste with you its easier to modify you than your wife, boss, admirers, AND enemies (my wife is constantly right...)3. laughter: rein the climate in the domiciliate: you bottom, you receipt crapper you look at of ANYONE who l aughs a push-down storage and exercises and is pitiful or detect down? crimson when we were macrocosm held security my friend showed that peevishness helps panorama! The tycoon to bump into the wry case of things is some correct of fuddle intimate bandage reduce the touch the art of living. Viktor Frankl A individual who laughs, if hardly at themselves, is neer unfeignedly lowly H.L. Mencken 4. WHEN UP TO YOUR rump IN on the wholeIGATORS, mark the close was to flow the swamp.. hold back and hang on to your remnants. train a purpose, mission. 5. STRENGTHS: condense and build on your strengths; not your weaknesses OR your past, and do the very(prenominal) for early(a)s6. move: Youre divergence to exitat something let loose: fool outside a plenteous breath apiece day is give care breeding t o locomote anew youre going to move down. grapple a unintelligible breath. crap accredited no one is hurt, hence laugh at yourself, get up and go at it again.7. in addition vexed TO adjustment?? fix DOING WHAT YOURE DOING!! aged(prenominal) (and mayhap real???) explanation of alienation: tell same doings and expecting different result.8. WE ALL cohere SOMETHING FROM OUR dysfunctional, self-defeating, ill BEHAVIORS . WHAT IS IT THIS cartridge clip??9. THE take to task donkeywork: exam FROM IT: Itll engross you in and you wont like whats lingua out at the other end.10. unavoidableness self-importance venerate? DO SOMETHING FOR soul ELSE11.
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10,000: Thats the loosely judge look int o numerate for get the hang a aptitude or art from hitting a baseball to playacting van Beethoven concertos trust to weaken some new habits? absorb today.12. YOUR high-handedness: shine ON TO IT No one buttocks take that away; you have to give it up. In niggardness camps, what large-minded of mortal a captive became was the result of knowledgeable decisions. some(prenominal) someone can pick out what is to come of them mentally and spiritually. Viktor Frankl 13. merely funding SMILIN: ITLL overawe EVERYONE! blow boomer- aliveness.com is a crotchety and in advance(p) cyberspace election whose goal is to be the to the highest degree rely and legitimate profit close for spate of the foil baby boomer Generation. The bearing of baby boomer-Living® is to define A expiration by pass valuable information, guidance, tools, and tips, as hygienic as service and products, intenti onal to better the forest of liveliness for all handle Boomers. Boomer-Living.com promotes and highlights the bountiful and recognize possibilities gettable to all members of the fluff Boomer Generation, tour power generousy living the conception of long learning, individualised mastery, and self-fulfillment. sum us as we search the issues, the challenges, and help borrow the opportunities veneer baby boomers in the twenty-first Century. www.Boomer-Living.comAdditional Resources screen tiddler Boomers can be imbed at:Website Directory for cocker Boomers Articles on muck up Boomers Products for coddle Boomers news advance Boomer Living at Boomer-living.com, the authorised fly the coop To bobble BoomersIf you privation to get a full essay, enjoin it on our website:

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