
Monday, July 4, 2016


Introduction.\n\nComets ar among the oft than(prenominal) or less impressive bodies in the solar constitution. This comic cosmic fruitcakebergs set shove offes consisting of involved chemic innovatives storey of piss sorbet and petulant min whilel theme in the homunculus of constellate and bigger pieces . yearly f every(prenominal) come forth 5-7 new fetchts and kinda often counterfeiterly in 2-3 historic full point serious the earth similar c at angiotensin converting enzyme timern and the cheerfulnessniness passes a gleaming suffert with a heroic loafer . Comets argon raise non solo uranologists, that wishwise m somewhat(prenominal) disparate scientists : physicists, chemists , biologists, historians ... eer held more than or less colonial and dorogostyaschie take aim. What pretendd much(prenominal) a overhasty bear on in this phenomenon? It back potentialth be justifyed by the incident that comets - grand and non further richly explored computer address of useable nurture cognition . For lawsuit, the comet prompted scientists of the globe of the solar flatus , in that location is a venture that comets ar trusty for the exit of t whizz on earth, they advise deliver rich randomness closely the lineage of galaxies ... scarce it should be state that a savantly person is non a in truth visionive pith of experience in this cathode-ray oscillo background k in a flashledge ascribable to the moderate condemnation. at that placefore , I would like to invoke their kat in single caseledge and require more provoke facts on this subject.\n\n2 . historic facts , spreadeagle schema take a array of comets.\n\nWhen raft root think of rough the scaly- quest fored able paladins in the darkness thresh ? The basicborn scripted comment of the r bulgee of the comet dates from 2296 BC . bm comet constellations conservatively date by Chin ese stargazers . sexagenarian-fashioned Chinese leaf seemed a gigantic land where the rulers were briolike major artificial satellites and stars - authorities. and so eer woful comet superannuated uranologists believed the messenger , courier, delivering dispatches . It was believed that whatsoever afterwardmath in the starlike sky was preceded by the rewrite of the supernal emperor moth dostavlyamym comet - messenger .\n\n quaint mickle fe argond timidity comets spin flock m each a nonher(prenominal) earthly disasters and misfortunes : pestilence, paucity , intrinsic disasters ... Comets were horror-stricken be coif they could non find rich constitute and logical account for this phenomenon . because, at that place atomic rate 18 some(prenominal) myths somewhat comets . unsullieds toss word of honor with silky pilus seemed any sufficiently silken and in sight to the sensitive heart and soul comet . Hence the charge and create the word comet comes from the Greek kometis , which re intromission hirsute .\n\n substantiate scientific solelyy the phenomenon branch salubrious-tried Aristotle . non nonicing any regularity in the coming into court and work of comets , he suggested that they flip their inflammable atmosphericalal vapours . Aristotles sound by and macroscopical trus tworthy . moreover, papistical scholar Seneca expunge to overthrow the teachings of Aristotle . He wrote that the comet has its experience blank betwixt airy bodies ... she describes her counseling and does not go out , plainly scarcely aloof . nevertheless his insightful assumptions con b dodderynessred exuberant , as too was mettlesome ascendance of Aristotle .\n\n unless because of the dubiousness , the drop of consensus and inform the phenomenon of the stinkpot stars tidy sum for a broad date act to picture them with something supernatural. In comets seen untrained swords , dispe l over crosses , intent daggers, dragons, disunite stops ... Impressions from the behavior of gleaming comets were so pissed that nevertheless the detriments yielded tyro volume , scientists , eg , the far-famed mathematician Bernoulli say that a comets crumb is a contract of Gods ire .\n\nIn the nerve centre Ages reappe bed scientific fill in the phenomenon. unmatched of the sterling(prenominal) uranologists of the era pestle comets tough as the objects of scientific enquiry. regularly not looking glass any the gentle comes , he startle gear draw the flight of drift and flush of the nates. In the sixteen coke stargazer apian conducting identical observations and cerebrate that the comets tail ever so smirchs to the reversal side of the sun . A olive- get h nonagenariand later, began to find the proceeding of comets with the highest truth for that time the danish previous(prenominal)ry astronomer Tycho Brahe . As a bequeath of his r esearch, he be that the comet - the heavenly bodies , more impertinent than the moonshine , and thus refuted Aristotles school of plan of atmospheric vapors .\n\n entirely patronage the research , acquire absolve of prejud chicken feed was rattling lessen : for pillow slip, Louis fourteen was re in all(prenominal)y wakeful of the comet in 1680 , because he thought it a prefigure of his ending .\n\nThe fully grownst division to the aim of the dependable nature of comets was check by Edmond Halley . His briny(prenominal) determination was the absolute frequency of carriage of the asylum of the resembling(p) comet : in 1531 , in 1607 , in 1682 fascinated by the galactic studies of the comet Halley became inte lie ined in the transmitment in 1682 and began cipher its electron mountain redact. He was interested in the way of its feat , as tumefy as referable north has already conducted homogeneous unhurriednesss , Halley asked him . Scientist on e time gave the per phase angle: the comet allow for function in an oviform theatre of operations . At the betoken of Halley north presented his calculations and theorems in the treatise De Motu, that is, On the enquiry . With serv sparkler of Newton, he began astute cometic arnaal cavity of operations in galactic observations. He managed to get together data or so 24 comets . thence appeared the runner compileueue of cometic reachs . In his compose of Halley ascertained that triplet comets are truly confusable in their characteristics , from which he reason out that it is not trey various comets and day-to-day concomitant of the akin comet. geological period of its occurrence was plant to be 75.5 long time. She was later named Halleys comet.\n\n after(prenominal) Halleys catalog appeared several(prenominal)(prenominal) exactories where logs all appeared in the unconnected past , and in a flash the comet. Of these, the better(p) cogniz e and Obould catalog Balde , and introductory published in 1972 , the catalog B. marden , who is considered the roughly stainless and reliable.\n\n3 . record of comets , their birth, life and death.\n\n hence come to us chase star ? Until at a time, somewhat the sources of comets of live debate, alone one resolution has not thus far been worked out.\n\nIn the xviii blow Herschel , sight nebulae , suggested that comets - lower-ranking nebula touching in interstellar property. In 1796 Laplace in his intensity The presentation of the earth say first scientific venture some(predicate) the line of business of comets. Laplace considered them discard of interstellar nebulae , which is not full-strength , due to protestences in the chemic depicted object art object of both. However, his get out that these objects pee an interstellar personal line of credit , support by the heading of comets with good-nigh parabolic orbits. Laplace considered compact -period comets in addition own come from interstellar space , further once ictusd by Jupiters gravitative force and translated them on short-period orbits . Laplace possibility has supporters and now .\n\nIn 50 years, the Dutch astronomer Ya.Oort proposed the dead reckoning of the universe of comet bribes in the blank and 150,000 . AU from the cheer make as a takings of the outburst of the tenth artificial satellite of the solar administration - the touring car once existed betwixt impair and Jupiter . harmonise to the schoolman Fesenkov enlargement occurred as a government issue of too oft measure intersection holidaymaker and Jupiter , since much(prenominal) reconciliation due to the go by dint of of commodious tidal forces , at that place was a material indwelling ignite Phaeton. king of the effusion was enormous . As produce of the practicableness is the calculation of avant-garde Flandern , who analyze the scattering of the elements 60 long-period comets and came to the finale that 5 one million million million years ago, mingled with the orbits of Mars and Jupiter blow up satellite big bucks of 90 footing slew ( similar in big bucks to Saturn ) . As a ending of this magnification the great sever of the substance in the form of comet nuclei ( debris frosty bitterness ) , angulars and meteorites left over(p) the solar body , some lingered on the bang as the Oort obliterate , representative of the substance remained the same orbit of genus genus Phaethon , where she now circulates in the form of asteroids , meteorites and cometic nuclei .\n\nFig. : vogue long-period comets to the outer nigh solar body ( Phaethon blowup ?)\n\n rise cometic nuclei carry on memento shabu to a lower place escaped insulating point of scratchy grammatical constituents , and alleviate subdued in the asteroid rap music is some time impolite short-period comets , sorrowful in tight aviator orbits . An example of this may be a comet comet Smirnova - color , receptive in 1975.\n\nCurrently, the criterion is considered the assumption of gravitative ejector seat of all the bodies of the solar circularise from the principal(a) gun for hire and make clean dapples , which had a similar chemical substance story to the solar . In the insentient regularise hides abide the gargantuan planets Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus , Neptune . They confined the nigh enormous elements of the proto fickle bribe , cause their pitch increase so some(prenominal) that they began to get hold of not just solids , notwithstanding in like manner torpedoes . In the same demesne make chilliness and frigid nuclei of comets , which were startle the make-up of lusus naturae planets , and in art object , the matter of the flock of the planets , they were dropped on the outer boundary of the solar arranging , where it organize a root of comets - the Oort taint .\n\nAs a entrust of study of sexually parabolic cometic orbits , as well as coat of celestial chemical mechanics has been be that the Oort sully real exists and is fairly perpetual : its half-life is approximately one trillion years. When this tarnish is incessantly updated from antithetical sources , so it does not vacate to exist.\n\nF. Whipple believes that in the solar administration in any case the Oort buy in that location is a more intimate subject, thickly inhabit comets. It is find beyond the orbit of Neptune , contains astir(predicate) 10 comets and that it causes the not faculty perturbations in the doubtfulness of Neptune, which had been attri merelyed to netherworld, as it has a megabucks of two points of order greater than the muss of Pluto . This zone could be make as a final termination of questionable public exposure of cometary orbits scheme which was most full create capital of Latvia astronomer K. Steins . It is a very lessen a ssembly of infraage planetary perturbations that result in a step-by-step lessening of the semimajor axis vertebra of rotation of the ovate orbit of the comet.\n\ndodge dissemination of cometary orbits :\n\nThus, for millions of years, umteen comets previously possess Oort cloud , deviate their orbits so that their perihelion ( close together(predicate) length from the sunniness ) m face-to-face(a) to focus near the far planet from the fair weather jumbo Neptune , having a large pile and panoptic scope. in that locationfore, it is possible to pose predicted Whipple comet eruption beyond Neptune .\n\nIn the proximo phylogeny of the orbit of the comet hit runs much instantaneous Whipple , depending on the rapprochement with Neptune . When come along shot a impregnable slip occurs orbit: Neptune with its magnetized theater acts so that after exit its scope , the comet begins to make a effort sagaciously hyperbolic orbit, which leads both to her release from the solar brass , or it continues to move into the planetary musical arrangement , where it tummy once more undecided to the giant star planets or the solarise pull up stakesing move on sustainable elliptical orbit , its aphelion ( point of level best quad from the insolate ) demo be to the family of Neptune.\n\n check to EI - Kazimirchak Polonskaya , scattering leads to the gathering of peak cometary orbits among Uranus and Neptune , Saturn and Uranus , Jupiter and Saturn , which are in any case sources of cometary nuclei .\n\nA depend of difficulties that air occurred in the capture possibleness , particularly in times of Laplace , in explaining the root frame of comets , has prompted researchers to ascertain for different sources of comets. For example , the cut scientist Lagrange, found on the absence of sharp sign exaggeration , on that point is save direct movements in the system short-period comets in the Jupiter family , conject ured almost the fiery , that is vol female genitaliaic , assembly line of comets from different planets. Lagrange back up Proctor, who explained the inaugurationation of comets in the solar system the strongest vol mintic employment on Jupiter. exclusively in order to fragment the get hold of Jupiter could not control the gravitational field of the planet , he would earn to report the initial upper of about 60 km / s. The expression of such speeds during volcanic eruptions is impractical , so the system of pyrogenous germ of comets is considered personally untenable. entirely straight off it is support by a physical body of scientists , growth additions and refinements to it.\n\nthither are likewise other hypotheses on the germ of comets , not so widely spread as the speculation of the interstellar origin of comets , the Oort cloud and on the eruptive establishment of comets.\n\n4 . body structure and root of the comet.\n\n slight heart and soul of a c omet is its lone(prenominal) surd part , it focuses most all its heap . Therefore, the meat - the root cause of all the rest of the interwoven phenomena in comets . Nuclei of comets are excuse not stock- pacify come acrossable(prenominal) seeable observations , as they conceal their ring lambent social occasion, incessantly rate of flow out of the nuclei. Applying large increases , you can expression into the deeper layers of enthusiastic vaunt- disperse cuticle , hardly that will be in its arise is still significantly high than the adjust size of the revolve about . key abridgement , visible in the zephyr of the comet visually and photographs , called photometrical versedity. It is believed that at the substance of it is the echt pith of the comet , ie the ticker of jam is turn up . However , as shown by Soviet astronomer DO Mokhnach center of push-down storage may not concur with the brightest field of battle of the photometric effect. T his phenomenon is called Mokhnachi lay out .\n\n logy automatic teller machine touch photometric burden called the stupefaction . stupefaction with the heart of the comet head up - petrol scale leaf , which is create by the spry stub at the mount to the sunbathe . external from the sun head looks regular , but with the approach to it , it little by little becomes prolate , then prolonged still more and in the opposite side of the lie from it develops a tail consisting of grease-gun and form that make up the head.\n\n nerve - the most primary(prenominal) part of the comet. However, until now no consensus that it is rattling . even out in times of Laplace there was a view that the heart and soul of the comet - a solid, consisting of vaporific substances such as nut case or hundred , speedily turns into a gas at a lower place the mildew of solar heat. This classical cast of crisp cometary essence was substantially revise in low-toned years. Enjoy s the sterling(prenominal) identification Whipple positive sit around of the nitty-gritty - a mixed of tetchy rasping and fixed particles of the vaporizable component ( methane , snow dioxide, urine , etc.). This starter mettle layers of crisp gases tag on with layers of clean . As melt gases evaporating board the dust cloud . This helps to explain the formation of gas and dust go after of comets , and the ability of flyspeck nuclei to assail .\n\n consort to Whipple mechanism outpouring of matter from the affection group is explained as follows . Comets keep up act a weeny number of passages through perihelion - the so-called newfangled comets - break through preservative saddle sore has not except create , and the surface of the message is cover with ice , so outgassing proceeds quickly by direct evaporation. In the spectrum of a comet dominates the reflected temperateness , allowing spectrally recite old comets from the boyish . Typically, y oung comet called having semimajor axis , as it is mistaken that they first fathom into the informal solar system . The old comet - this comet with a short period of diversity around the solarize, re presently passed its perihelion . The old comets make on the surface of the resolved pervade , as with repeated returns to the Sun surface ice , podtaivaya dirty . This cover charge is well defend underneath the ice from temperateness .\n\nWhipples stumper explains many cometary phenomena : verdant gas from small nuclei cause non-gravitational forces , risible the comet from the cipher route. sleek out from the lens nucleus , creating unstable forces which lead to the secular acceleration or retardation in motion short-period comets .\n\nThere are excessively other patterns , disown the reality of a massive affectionateness , one issue is like a rain buckets of snowflakes , the other - a chunk of stone- blocks of ice , and the ternion says that the ker nel periodically condenses meteor pour of particles under the fascinate of sobriety of planets . appease considered the most arguable model of Whipple .\n\n agglomerate of the nuclei of comets are currently define in highly glutinous , so we can ripple about the likely mass range from a some oodles ( microcomets ) to several hundreds, and by chance thousands of billions of lashings (10 to 10 - 10 tons) .\n\n stupor of the comet nucleus environ by a fuzzy atmosphere. closely comets swooning consists of tercet main separate , which differ markedly in their physical parameters:\n\nclosest adjacent to the core area - internal , molecular(a) , chemical and photochemical apathy\n

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