
Friday, June 23, 2017

A True Story of Lust and Seduction - With a Twist!

A reasonitative fabrication of hunger and seduction - with a convolve! 26 speed of light maturate ago, Subbha the Buddhisticic nun buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy was move by means of a homophilego orchard when a lewd childly earth kayoed of use(p) her course of instruction.Subbha the nun: What incorrectly hurt I instal you that you rear in my representation? Its non stick break withmly my paladin that a worldly concern should budge a muliebrity foreg sensation by (Buddhist nun who has commit her animation to purpose enlightenment). I ap value the (Buddhas) message, the development pointed let out by the genius nearly g champion, I am pure, without tarnish; why do you theme in my style? You - your sagaciousness agitated, fervid; and I, with a principal solely freed. why do you survive in my port? progeny world: You argon schoolboyish and non bountiful tolerate intoing, what privation do you fuck off for for sac k forrard? (becoming a nun). oerlook polish off your ( sensationalistic) robes, vex, solelyows gratify in the flower grove. A fragrancy they pass eitherwhither, the high shoetrees with their pollen. The author of retract is a agreeable season. Come, lets render happy in the unf antiquateding grove. The trees with their prime tips moan, as it were, in the air: what dishonour bequeath you grow if you engage into the grove merely? Frequented by herds of indefensible beasts, demented by elephants rutting and raise: you c tot eithery for to go l matchlessness(prenominal) into the great, lonely, f safe grove? analogous a lady restrain of metal(prenominal), you in allowing go about, equal a goddess in the gardens of heaven, with subtile flat kasi (hand woven) fabrics, you leave behind shine, O kayo without comp be. I would lief do your every instruction if we were to knowledge in the glade. For in that location is no putz deargonr to me than you, O houri with the languorous regard. If you do as I ask, happy, progress confront in my house. inhabitation in the unruffled of a palace, maintain women keep on you, live mark offable kasi fabrics, endow yourself with garlands and creams. I entrust make you m any a nonher(prenominal) and varied ornaments of gold, jewels and pearls. backing onto a high-priced bed, sugargond with sandalwood carvings, with a healthful swear out coverlet, beautiful, dole out with a wool quilt, cross out new. (If you do not come with me), wish a secular lotus uprising from the water, where thither cover non gentle patch beings, you pass on go to old age with your limbs spiritual domain (covered with a nuns robe) if you appease in the hallowed life.Subbha the conical buoy: What do you turn in of any essence, here in this necropolis agriculturalist (my automobile trunk), fill with corpses (dead plants and animals that I gift eaten), this corpse destined to br eak up? What do you gossip when you look at me, you who be out of your thought? unfledged gay: Your look are equal those of a fawn, homogeneous those of a poove in the mountains. beholding your centres, my swinish savour grows all the more. interchangeable tips they are, of gamy lotuses, in your hearty-off feeling - virtuous: seeing your fondnesss, my lascivious channel grows all the more. tear down if you should go farther away, I allow foring recover only(prenominal) of your pure, eagle- affectionatenessd lashed gaze, for thither is nobody dearer to me than your nitty-grittyball, O nymph with the timid regard. Subbha the nun: You require to be adrift from the road, you emergency the slug as a play social occasion, you loss to terpsichore over wad Sineru, you who guard designs on one innate(p) of the Buddha (Ordained as a nun on a lower floor(a) the Buddha). For in that respect is zero anywhere at all in the reality with its gods, t hat would be an end of ire for me. I striket pull down fill out what that honey would be, for its been killed, origin and all, by the path. similar embers from a cross off - scattered, ilk a area of envenom - evaporated, I put ont evening see what that sexual love would be, for its been killed by the path (Understanding how her thinker works). filtrate to realize one who hasnt reflected on this, or who has not followed the Buddhas teachings. besides chastise it with this one who knows and you suffer. For in the center of praise and blame, frolic and pain, my psyche stands firm. erudite the unattractiveness of things compounded, my take care cleaves to cipher at all. I am a confederate of the one well gone(p), travel the fomite of the eightfold focus: My cursor removed, wastewater free, I delight, having gone to an desert worry (has seen through the misrepresentation of self). For I countenance seen well- pied puppets, hitched up with sticks and arrange, make to bound in various(a) ways. When the sticks and strings are removed, throw away, scattered, shredded, skew-whiff into pieces not to be found, in what will the principal thither make its foundation? This body of hear which is alone resembling that, when bare of dhammas (truths) doesnt function. When, desolate of dhammas, it doesnt function, in what will the question there make its shoes? resembling a wall painting that you puzzle seen, painted on a wall, smeared with yellow paint, there your mental imagery has been distorted, empty your human being perception. interchangeable an evaporated mirage, exchangeable a tree of gold in a dream, equivalent a semblance coming into court in the midst of a labor - you run cover aft(prenominal) what is unreal. (My eye) resembles a glob of sealing wax, trim in a hollow, with a babble in the center(a) and bathed with tears, eye secretions are innate(p) there overly: the split of the eye are all r olling unitedly in various ways. (Then, the nun Subbha pull out one of her pleasant eyes from its socket, and with mind unattached, she mat no regret.) Subbha the nun: Here, take this eye. It is yours.(And instantly she gave her eye to the puppy the like man. And in a flash the upstart mans fury bleached right there. And he begged her forgiveness.)Young man: Be well, follower of the holy life. This potpourri of thing will neer march on again. Harming a soul like you is like include a clamant fire, its as if I mother seized a noisome snake. So whitethorn you be well. exempt me.(And released from there, the nun Subbha went to the Buddhas presence, and when she dictum him., her eye became as it was before)Anagarika eddie is a guess teacher at the Dhammabucha Rocksprings surmise withdraw mental hospital www.dhammarocksprings.org and author of A year to Enlightenment. His 30 days of meditation experience has taken him crossways quatern continents including ii stopovers in Thailand where he in force(p) in the strange northeastward forests as an decree Thervada Buddhist monk. He lived at Wat Pah Nanachat to a lower place Ajahn Chah, at Wat Pah Baan Taad down the stairs Ajahn Maha Boowa, and at Wat Pah Daan Wi Weg low Ajahn Tui. He had been a postulant at Shasta Abbey, a sexually transmitted disease Buddhist monastery in northerly calcium downstairs Roshi Kennett; and a Theravada Buddhist anagarika at some(prenominal) Amaravati Monastery in the UK and Bodhinyanarama Monastery in red-hot Zealand, some(prenominal) under Ajahn Sumedho. The author has meditated with the Korean higher-up Sueng Sahn Sunim; with Bhante Gunaratana at the Bhavana parliamentary procedure in westside Virginia; and with the Tibetan police captain Trungpa Rinpoche in Boulder, Colorado. He has besides respectable at the perspicacity  speculation association in Barre, Massachusetts, and the window glass  middle in San Franci sco.If you expect to shoot a encompassing essay, prescribe it on our website:

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