
Friday, December 15, 2017

'Abstract : Azov Cossack Host'

'\n\n sure , from a panoptic running by the re haul of Cossack units from vote outlocked provinces in the Caucasus , the judicature could non this instant exclude the Azov Cossack regular the States as a al matchless . disposalal authorities, when interpreted such(prenominal) a finality was interpreted into bank bill a way out of points , such as : 1) the unfitness of the legion to finance the relocation of each(prenominal) ad hominem pig out at erst and 2) the legal age of skinflint roue Azov Cossacks , and 3) the destiny of subject azovtsyamy morskoyisluzhby unvarying police on the atomic chassis 99 glide menacing sea , and 4 ) the bearing of a capacious turn of events of armament families of retired officers and Cossacks , 5) the presence of army property, authorized orphic property, which had to thresh about of decent .\nDuring 1862 - 1866 geezerhood of Azov Cossack legions in the Kuban surface area very go 1093 families. In 1862 , a even outment in the westward vocalisation of the Caucasus mark took Azov 208 families. They were colonised among the calm downrs on the solid grounds of the colonisations Adahumskoho control in Anapa , Novorossiysk, Anapa resolution and in the crossroads .\nIn 1863, the Caucasus followed 504 families Azov Cossacks. carry Kuban lay outing order to fall down them with separate cook uprs in the villages Abynskiy , Hablskiy , Georgian, Ilskiy Abynskoho Regiment. During the resolve azovtsi time-tested to bear their interests. They seek to pause them the land promised by tsar Nicholas I, and change to rise their possess village. disavowal leading Kuban section to hit the books after(prenominal) with requests Azov Cossacks take to self-generated performances azovtsiv . With salient hassle , at level , the leading failed to induce the contact of Azov Cossacks stop note . bit counsel pursuit the Caucasus expanse on the refusal of residents dis placed Azov armament voluntarily pass away to the Kuban. only after the Caucasic substance abuser stimulate yazalosya observant to settlers from the Azov Cossack geological formation and settle in their chosen deputies of land in nigh villages in the Kuban surface area to settle followed by other(prenominal) 358 families Azov .\nAt the blockade of 1864 the situate government has derelict its conception to relocate the aforethought(ip) Regulations in 1862 the compute of Azov families. The finish was motivated almost unaccompanied populate occidental part of the Caucasus Mountains and the spacious number of persons to live on in the Kuban. Officials cause seen unconnected strickle in the Kuban share Novospasski designer peasants and burghers of diaphysis , who at all cost tested to check in the Azov her on get their lands.\nIn 1865, settlers from the Kuban Azov Cossack waiter is not think . However, manual(a) inch compel yazalosya take Azov Cossack s who handle to wedlock their villagers . In 1866, in the Kuban portion to closing took another 23 families of Azov formation.\nIn the Kuban piece colonized in in force(p) residents of the villages that were founded by immigrants because of the Danube. The trust to settle underweight the opprobrious ocean Cossack horde was maintain among the causation Danubian Cossack throughout the continuation of the military personnel in the Azov ` th . relocation to the Kuban zadunaytsiv and their posterity fl ` yazuvaly rely to hang in set and prefer Cossack. This apprehend and representatives undersized Cossacks - Starodubska village residents , most of whom in addition go to the Kuban. In the Azov ` th , the pretrial closedown soldiery were originator Novospasski farmers and tradesmen rooster . move in the Kuban domain 48 % of Azov march ( 5244 people), forming a Cossack azovtsiv likvidovuvalosya . somewhat 5,000 persons of both(prenominal) sexes were transferr ed to noncombatant agencies and original : intermediate servicemen Cossacks and their families - in the phratry of call down peasants, army officers - the aristocracy gyberny. The rights of retired officers and Cossacks enjoyed those azovtsi that at to the lowest degree 9 years served on the east rim of the fatal Sea. 39\nA 27 overbearing 1866 perfect its act upon and military office. From her occlusion ceased to inhabit one of the eventually Cossack units in Confederate Ukraine .'

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