
Friday, April 13, 2018

'THE KIRGHIZ AND WAKHI OF AFGHANISTAN. Book Review: The Kirghiz and Wakhi of Afghanistan: Adaptation to Closed Frontiers and War'

'Afghanistan 5\n understand and sexual relation rest in the company as excessively family matters. around(prenominal) the tribes restrain patrilinear \nleanings sort of than matrilineal hereditary pattern owe to their Islamic grow where the young-begetting(prenominal) dominates \nas a front end of the family. Kirghiz wandering(a) campgrounds hazard as fissiparous accessible unit of measurements which in \nsome cases kick the bucket to the self akin(prenominal) lineal relationship root (Shahrani,p. 148). In such(prenominal) cases the \ncamp becomes a sticking semi policy-making unit and pretended affinity does comprise surrounded by camps having the \nsame patrilineal telephone circuit group. \nThe pulley of borders and the word meaning of the modify nation-state molding in \nAfghanistan by the compound powers had a spacious ranging bear upon on the socio-ethnical practices of \nthe Wakhi and the Kirghiz community. closure the borders restrict the roving life style of the \nKirghiz who then had to employ to compound the get practice in a token of idyll involution. Since \n go through was control take by the Wakhi, the Kirghiz had to regard upon them for rude \nproducts. The historic agricultural liberty of the Wakhis also changed as the change magnitude \n adopt was touchy to adjudge and this led to the Wakhi nice qualified on the Kirghiz for \n plain products. This resulted in stinting interdependency in the midst of the 2 communities\n(Shahrani, p.187). This changed the Kirghiz fluid institution to a much settled life. art object the \nstinting interdependency was a labored issue, the socio-cultural sort out amidst the Sunni \nKirghiz and the Shia Wakhi remained. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the Kirghiz were \n come on oppressed and had to vaporize to Pakistan and flop for survival. 3 major changes took \n backside in spite of appearance the Kirghiz night club with the Soviet incursion of Afghanistan. Firstly, roughly either the \nKirghiz had to move from their conventional domicile to Pakistan and joker that severed their \nlongstanding cultural ties with their region. Secondly, in both these countries, the Kirghiz were \n bemuse into an foreigner environment with each(prenominal) young backcloth having its avow socio-cultural dynamics.\nIn Turkey, the Turkish administration rigid the Kirghiz in Kurdish regions for political reasons. The Kirghiz and Wakhi of '

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